The Playbill
a year-long crossword metapuzzle suite, by Danny K Bernstein
Solving puzzles within one week of their publication and correctly submitting metas (before the answers to the metas are available online) will earn you points for the leaderboard!
Standard metas will be worth 2 pts at the beginning of the year, and 10 pts by the end of the year, and increase by 2 pts each time the level of difficulty rises. Cryptic metas will be worth 1.5x the number of points that the standard from teh same month is worth. (For example: January's standard meta was worth 2 points, January's cryptic meta will be worth 3. November's standard meta will be worth 10 points, and November's cryptic will be worth 15. Leaderboards will usually be updated within a day or two of the deadline. Be warned: incorrect submissions will result in point reductions - no guessing! (If a meta has been correctly solved, and well-constructed, it should tie everything together in a way that assures you're submitting correctly.)
During certain months, solvers will be allowed to go double-or-nothing for their cryptic score, and attempt the cryptic without confirming their answer for that month's standard meta. Solvers may instead request the cryptic puzzle in lieu of submitting their metapuzzle, and submit both the song title and the musical its from together. Those correct submissions will double the number of points they get for the cryptic. I will not tell you when these months are happening, nor will I tell you how many.
For those who aren't a fan of cryptics, there will be a tab on the leaderboard just for standard metapuzzles. (Though I hope to convert some of you by the end of this year!)
December's mega-meta puzzles will work a bit differently: because these can be solved early by searching for clues in regular puzzles, there will be even further bonus points for guessing the December puzzle early. December's puzzles is worth 12 and 15 points, but an extra 3 points will be awarded for every month before December either is solved. That said, point deductions (not just reductions in available points, points taken away!) will be given for incorrect guesses.
The same double-or-northing rule applies for the mega-metas: if you are able to submit both the song and the Tony-winning musical to the final puzzles together (without confirming one or the other), BOTH your standard meta and your cryptic meta score will be doubled. However, you are only allowed to attempt this once. Scoring strategies are up to you here. I just make the puzzles.