The Playbill
a year-long crossword metapuzzle suite, by Danny K Bernstein
What is 'The Playbill?'
The Playbill is a year-long crossword metapuzzle suite consisting of 24 metapuzzles (12 standard, 12 cryptic) each honoring Tony Award-winning Broadway musicals and the iconic musical numbers they feature.
There are two puzzles published every month, one on the 1st and one on the 15th (14th in February). The first set of puzzles (#1 - #12) will be standard metapuzzles, the answers to which will be musicals that has won the Tony Award for Best Musical. The second set of puzzles (#A - #L) will be cryptic (and possibly variety) metapuzzles, and the answers to those will be songs featured in musical solutions to the standard puzzles from the same month.
The puzzles at the end of the year (#12 and #L) are "mega-metas," Like the other pairs, the solution to #12 is a musical, and the solution to #L is a song from that musical. However, unlike other pairs, these can be solved prior to their publication, if solvers correctly detect a common throughout all of the puzzles published.
Upon publication, solvers have one week time limit to submit their answers to the metapuzzles, in order to receive credit and wind up on the leaderboard.
Happy solving!